
Competition & Collaboration: A Fine Line

Written by Alexandra Chirica | Apr 10, 2024 11:49:51 AM

Embracing Collaboration in Recruitment: Turning Competitors into Allies for Success

It really is a tale as old as time to say that competition is the norm in recruitment. With over 50,000 recruitment agencies vying for the attention of both clients and candidates, you can see how easy it is to fall into the cutthroat Wolf of Wall street mentality.

Viewing other firms as direct adversaries, really gives it a sprinkle of toxicity (depending on how you approach it, of course).

Now, this is where small businesses get it right.

What if, instead of seeing other recruitment agencies solely as competitors, we viewed them as a potential collaborators?

Everyone knows collaboration is key. You don’t get to where you want to get to alone. If you want to read more about this, I’d strongly recommend Never Eat Alone.

For the old school recruiters in the scene, the concept of collaborating with competitors can shock you to your core. Afterall, aren’t we supposed to outshine them, to prove Big D. energy in the field?

We cannot condone healthy competiton, but let’s build bridges rather than barriers. By fostering a spirit of collaboration, recruitment agencies can tap into a wealth of resources, best practises and industry insights that may otherwise remain out of reach. In other words, I scratch your back, you scratch mine.

If two small agencies specialise in different industries, why shouldn’t they come together to share their expertise? Agency A focuses on IT, while Agency B specialises in Healthcare. By pooling their knowledge and resources, they can offer their clients a more comprehensive suite of services, spanning multiple sectors – not only are you enhancing your value proposition, but you also don’t look like a d*** and you’re going against the recruitment stereotype that you’re Ed Hunter.

Collaboration can extend to so much more than just sharing insights and expertise. It can involve joint ventures, co-marketing efforts, or even talent exchanges.

The brilliant thing about being a small agency (Which, by the way, is significantly on the rise in the recruitment space) is failing quick and learning fast. But…you could learn a lot quicker with collaboration. Learning from each other’s mistakes, successes, continuously refinining your approach to meet the evolving needs of clients and candidates alike.

Here's the thing. No one is saying it’s easy. You’re sharing sensitive information, and often you’ll need a level of transparency and openness that may be quite jarring to some – but the rewards far outweigh the risks.

Right now, the only ‘collaboration’ efforts seem to revolve around ‘split-fees’. Why? Because it’s a relatively simple model to quickly implement. However, a true collaboration is a little bit more than just giving the other person some commission.

Think more about:

  • Finding common ground
  • Interests
  • Common goals

By focusing on shared objectives, agencies can forge much stronger partnerships, that go way over a ‘split fee’ model.

It goes without saying that communication is key. Open, honest communication is mandatory. Regular check-ins, feedback sessions, problem-solving meetings. This is still a relationship. One that needs time, work, and consistency.

As the recruitment landscape continues to evolve in response to shifting market dynamics (I mean, have you seen what 2023 looked like?) Collaboration will become increasingly essential for success. We seem to lose track of collaboration when the going is good, but when it gets tough? Everyone scrambles. Agencies that embrace collaboration, rather than viewing other firms like an Opp from TopBoy, will be better positioned to navigate these changes and thrive for years to come.

In the words of Keith, “Success in any field, but especially in business, is about working with people, not against them.” By working together, agencies can leverage each other’s strengths, expand their networks, and ultimately deliver greater value to clients and candidates alike.

Oh, and guess what?

You can find those people to collaborate with on Recfindr.